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The German experience supports the concern regarding the Wind Frequency and Duration Formula.


The estimated speed and duration of wind collected by the companies bidding for contracts, (a blatant example of conflict of interest) also use their own formula to extrapolate the wind speed at heights they can't reach with their temporary equipment. The formula and Canada Wind Atlas Information is on the Home Page of this site.

I am trying to locate the 'constant' used by the very creative wind techs.

If anyone knows what it is please let me know! Email using the Contact form.


THE REASON THIS IS RELEVANT: Because the numbers are coming in like these, globally, I plan to attack the process technical data in proper venues should any company successfully bid on putting up these Greed Energy testaments to addiction. Proof is coming in droves showing that original Technical Reports globally are falling so short of the data provided as to be fraudulent in nature. That's a crime we need to prove.

i know it's hard to believe but, are you sitting down, corporations lie for financial gain. And did I EVER find some great financial incentives.

Germany’s wind turbines as a whole ran at between 0 to 10% of their rated capacity 45.5% of the time (3986.75 hrs)! The turbines, which the German government says will become the “workhorse” of the German power industry, ran at over 50% of their rated capacity only for 461 hours, or just 5.2% of the time. - See more at:…/germany-2014-report-card-is-in-…/…

Light Blue is 'industry brag' of constructed and estimated production; dark blue is the actual time these turbines worked......

Ending Ontario’s wind power ‘ripoff’

Wind power will cost ratepayers $1 billion in 2015 to produce just 9TWh of energy. (JASON KRYK/ The Windsor Star)

Jan 31, 2015 - 7:00 AM EDT

Last Updated: Feb 02, 2015 - 11:00 PM EDT



Excerpt from article.


These 20-year deals provide guaranteed pricing to developers for wind power that is above market rates — because wind power cannot be produced in Ontario at reasonable market rates. The deals also guarantee revenue even when turbines are asked not to produce wind power.

The Ontario Liberals deliberately ignored the interests and wishes of rural Ontario and made all ratepayers, both urban and rural,  pay for it, to the tune of $1 billion to $3 billion annually, with increases projected every year.


That’s $20 billion to $60 billion over the next two decades.


To read the Article in full please go to the Windsor Star Website   CLICK HERE















1.  WIND TURBINE NOISE on Crown Land is LOUD to all those not used to any noise. Very LOUD. Turbine contracts biing            applied for here are allowed 102 db of noise. The equivalent of an edger in a saw mill. How can that be alowed?


2.  ENDANGERED BIRDS nesting on Crown Land will fledge their young around Wind Turbines.

        EPA allows many  BATS KILLED per NIGHT per TURBINE.  Our eagles, hawks, cranes and other  

        endangered birds live on Ontario Crown Lands where the birds have used ancestral nest sites for decades


3.  FLICKER IN FOREST SIMULATES DANGER for all woodland dwellers. How do we measure PTSD in a deer?  

        Sense would dictate that stress will result in population problems.     Proving it, before hand will be impossible so like

        all the other terrible decisions made without proper consideration this mess will be back to haunt us in the near future.

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